APS-DPP 2012

Pegasus Conference Presentations at the 54th APS-DPP, Providence, RI, 2012

(Previous: 2011 / Next: 2013)

wdt_ID Primary Author Title Type Abstract Presentation
3 Fonck, R.J. Progress in Non-solenoidal Startup via Local Helicity Injection in the Pegasus Experiment Talk Abstract Presentation
4 Bongard, M.W. Non-solenoidal Startup through Local Helicity Injection in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
5 Barr, J.L. MHD During Relaxation and Growth of DC Helicity Injection Plasmas on Pegasus Poster Abstract Presentation
6 Hinson, E.T. Limiting Currents of Pegasus Helicity-Injection Sources Poster Abstract Presentation
7 Burke, M.G. Magnetic Reconnection and Ion Flows During Point-Source DC Helicity Injection on the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
8 Thome, K.E. Improved Density Control in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Using Internal Fueling Poster Abstract Presentation
9 Schlossberg, D.J. Energy Confinement and Helicity Dissipation Studies Using Thomson Scattering on the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
10 Schoenbeck, N.L. Design and Operation of a Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG Thomson Scattering System with Transmission Grating ICCD Spectrometer Poster Abstract Presentation
11 Shriwise, P.C. Divertor Coil Design and Implementation on Pegasus Poster Abstract Presentation
12 Perry, J.M. Upgrades to Power Systems and Magnetic Field Coils in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
13 Redd, A.J. Feasibility Study for Local Helicity Injection Startup in the NSTX Upgrade (NSTX-U) Device Poster Abstract Presentation

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