
Title: Public Data Set: Digital Control and Power Systems for the Pegasus-III Experiment
Authors: M.W. Bongard, M.T. Borchardt, S.J. Diem, R.J. Fonck, J.A. Goetz, A.K. Keyhani, B.A. KujakFord, B.T. Lewicki, M.D. Nornberg, J.K. Peery, C. Pierren, J.A. Reusch, N.J. Richner, C.E. Schaefer, A.C. Sontag, J.D. Weberski
Release Date: 30 November 2022
Data Set DOI: 10.18138/1834594

This public data set contains openly-documented, machine readable digital research data corresponding to figures published in M.W. Bongard et al., ‘Digital Control and Power Systems for the PegasusIII Experiment,’ IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 50, 4021 (2022).

Data File: DS2022-3.zip
Version: 1
Size: 33.2 MB
Format: ZIP / ISO/ IEC 21320-1:2015(E) Document Format, encapsulating Igor Pro Packed Experiment Format and Adobe Portable Document Format items