Pegasus Conference Presentations at the 52nd APS-DPP, Chicago, IL, 2010
wdt_ID | Primary Author | Title | Type | Abstract | Presentation |
3 | Fonck, R.J. | Progress in Nonsolenoidal Plasma Startup Using Point-Source Helicity Injection in the Pegasus ST | Talk | Abstract | Presentation |
4 | Redd, A.J. | The Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Program | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
5 | Bongard, M.W. | Equilibrium and Stability Properties of Pegasus Edge Plasmas | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
6 | Hinson, E.T. | Plasma Properties in the Pegasus Edge Region | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
7 | Burke, M.G. | Ion Temperature Measurements in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
8 | Thome, K.E. | Study of Impurities in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
9 | Barr, J.L. | Low-m Tearing Mode Studies on Pegasus | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |
10 | Schlossberg, D.J. | Design of the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic on the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment | Poster | Abstract | Presentation |