APS-DPP 2004

Pegasus Conference Presentations at the 46th APS-DPP, Savannah, GA, 2004

(Previous: 2003 / Next: 2005)

wdt_ID Primary Author Title Type Abstract Presentation
3 Fonck, R.J. Plasma Studies at High Normalized Current in the Pegasus Experiment Talk Abstract Presentation
4 Unterberg, E.A. Stability Studies at High Field Utilization in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
5 Kozar, M.P. Soft X-Ray and Radiated Power Measurements on Pegasus Poster Abstract Presentation
6 Battaglia, D.J. Impurity Spectroscopy and Wall Conditioning on Pegasus Poster Abstract
7 Burke, S.P. Control, Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems on the Pegasus ST Poster Abstract
8 Lewicki, B.T. Facility and Programmable Power Supply Development for the Pegasus ST Poster Abstract Presentation
9 Eidietis, N.W. Fueling and Plasma Initiation Tests with a Plasma Gun on the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Poster Abstract Presentation
10 Garstka, G.D. Potential Electron Bernstein Wave Heating Experiments on Pegasus Poster Abstract Presentation

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